How to Make Coffee With Coffee Press

Making coffee with a French press, also known as a coffee press or press pot, is a simple and popular method for brewing rich and flavorful coffee. It’s a favorite among coffee enthusiasts because it allows you to control many variables in the brewing process, resulting in a customized cup of coffee that suits your taste preferences. In this article, we’ll walk you through each step of making coffee with a French press, from choosing the right coffee beans to cleaning your press afterward.

What is a French Press?

A French press, sometimes called a press pot, is a coffee-making device consisting of a cylindrical container crafted from glass or stainless steel. It includes a plunger and a filter, usually made of metal or nylon mesh. Its main purpose is to immerse coffee grounds in hot water and then remove them from the brewed coffee by pushing down on the plunger.

Advantages of Using a French Press

Using a French press to make coffee offers several advantages:

  • Complete Control: You can customize every aspect of the brewing process.
  • Rich Flavor: French press coffee is known for its bold and full-bodied flavor.
  • Simplicity: It’s a straightforward method that doesn’t require electricity or complex equipment.
  • Versatility: You can also use a French press for brewing loose-leaf tea.
  • Environmentally Friendly: No disposable filters are needed.

1. Ingredients and Equipment

Before you start brewing, gather the necessary ingredients and equipment.

Coffee Beans

The final taste of your coffee is greatly influenced by the quality of your coffee beans. Opt for freshly roasted whole coffee beans to achieve the finest results. Explore various coffee bean varieties and roasting levels to discover your preferred flavor profile.


Water is the primary component of coffee, so its quality matters. Use clean, filtered water to avoid any off-flavors in your brew. The water temperature should be between 195°F (90°C) and 205°F (96°C).

French Press

A French press typically comprises a glass or stainless steel container, a lid, a plunger, and a filter assembly. Make sure your French press is clean and devoid of any residue from previous brewing sessions.


Consider purchasing a burr grinder for grinding your coffee beans prior to brewing, as achieving a consistent grind size is essential for ensuring uniform extraction.


You’ll need a kettle to heat water to the appropriate temperature. Electric kettles with temperature control are convenient for this purpose.


A timer is helpful to track the brewing time accurately.

Stirring Tool

A long-handled spoon or paddle helps stir the coffee grounds and water evenly.

2. Coffee Bean Selection

Coffee Bean Types

Coffee beans primarily come in two varieties: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are known for their nuanced flavors and are often considered higher in quality. Robusta beans have a more pungent, more bitter taste and are typically used in espresso blends.

Coffee Bean Roast Level

Coffee beans come in a range of roast levels, which include light, medium, and dark. The roast level significantly influences the coffee’s flavor and aroma. Light roasts offer brighter, fruitier flavors, whereas dark roasts are richer and more robust.

Grind Size

The grind size of your coffee beans impacts the extraction process. When brewing with a French press, it’s recommended to use a coarse grind. Using a finer grind can lead to over-extraction and result in a gritty cup of coffee.

3. Measuring and Grinding

Coffee-to-Water Ratio

The coffee-to-water ratio plays a vital role in attaining the perfect blend of flavor and strength. A common guideline is to use a 1:15 ratio, which translates to 1 part coffee to 15 parts water. You can customize this ratio to match your preferences, but it serves as an excellent initial reference.

For example, to make 16 ounces (475 ml) of coffee, you would use about 1.1 ounces (30 grams) of coffee beans.

Grinding Your Coffee Beans

To maintain freshness, grind your coffee beans right before you start brewing. Set your grinder to a coarse setting suitable for French press. The grind should resemble breadcrumbs or coarse sea salt.

4. Boiling Water

Water Temperature

The ideal water temperature for making coffee in a French press is between 195°F (90°C) and 205°F (96°C). Use a kettle with temperature control to heat your water to the preferred temperature.

Importance of Fresh Water

Use fresh, clean water to avoid any off-flavors in your coffee. Avoid using water sitting in the kettle for an extended period.

5. Brewing Process

Now that your ingredients and equipment are ready, it’s time to start brewing.

Preheating the French Press

Pour a small amount of hot water into the French press to preheat it. Swirl the water inside, and then pour it out to discard.

Adding Coffee Grounds

Add the freshly ground coffee to the preheated French press.


Commence a timer and evenly pour hot water over the coffee grounds, ensuring thorough saturation of all the grounds. Allow the coffee to bloom for approximately 30 seconds. This step facilitates the release of gases from the coffee and prepares it for full extraction.

Pouring Water

Following the initial bloom, pour the remaining hot water over the coffee grounds gradually, using a circular motion to guarantee even saturation. Remember to leave some space at the top of the French press to prevent any potential overflow.


Use a stirring tool to gently stir the coffee and water, ensuring all the coffee grounds are evenly immersed. Mixing helps achieve uniform extraction.

Placing the Lid

Put the lid onto the French press with the plunger in the raised position to seal the brewing chamber.

Brewing Time

Commence the timer and allow the coffee to steep for approximately 4-5 minutes. You can modify the steeping duration according to your taste preference, opting for a longer steep for a bolder coffee or a shorter steep for a milder one.

6. Plunging and Serving


After the brewing time has elapsed, slowly and steadily press down the plunger. Apply even pressure to avoid forcing the grounds through the mesh filter.

Pouring and Enjoying

Once you’ve plunged the press, pour the brewed coffee into your mug or coffee carafe. Enjoy freshly brewed French press coffee with preferred additives like milk or sugar.

7. Cleaning Your French Press

Proper cleaning ensures that your French press continues to brew delicious coffee. Here’s how to clean it:

Disassembling the French Press

Take apart the French press components—remove the plunger, filter assembly, and lid.

Discarding Grounds

Discard the used coffee grounds in your compost or trash. Avoid pouring them down the sink, as they can clog your plumbing.

Cleaning Components

Rinse all components with warm water to remove residual coffee oils and grounds. Use a mild detergent if necessary. Please pay special attention to the mesh filter, which can trap fine coffee particles. Allow all parts to air dry thoroughly before reassembling.

8. Troubleshooting Common Issues


If your coffee tastes bitter, it may have been over-extracted. To prevent this, reduce the brewing time and use coarser coffee grounds.


If your coffee tastes weak or sour, it may have been under-extracted. Try extending the brewing time and using a finer grind.

Bitter Coffee

Bitter coffee can result from over-extraction or using dark roast beans. Adjust your brewing parameters accordingly.

Weak Coffee

Weak coffee can be due to under-extraction or using too few coffee grounds. Experiment with a finer grind or increased coffee-to-water ratio.

Sludgy Coffee

If your coffee has a lot of sediment or sludge, consider using a coarser grind and letting it settle for a bit after plunging before pouring.

Brewing coffee with a French press is a rewarding experience that allows you to savor the nuances of your chosen coffee beans. By adhering to the instructions outlined in this guide, you can consistently make delicious and aromatic coffee within the confines of your home. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different coffee beans, grind sizes, and brewing times to find the perfect cup that suits your taste. With practice, you’ll become a French press coffee master and appreciate the art of handcrafted coffee brewing.

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